Heart-Leaved Aster, Symphyotrichum cordifolium is one of the 14 species of aster found in the Ottawa area. It is a versatile plant that can grow in a variety of conditions and is tolerant of occasional mowing. It has dense clusters of flowers that are 1-2cm across and vary from white to pale blue or violet. Heart-Leaved aster attracts many late seasons pollinating insects. Seed heads in late fall and winter provide food for seedeaters such as chickadees, nuthatches and goldfinches. Similar to other asters it is a larval host for many species of butterflies and moths.
Bloom time: Fall
Wildlife benefits: Nectar source, larval host, food source for seed eaters
Uses: Pollinator gardens, meadow/prairie plantings, ground cover
Conditions: Sun to part shade. Moist to medium soils.