Descriptions and photos of a select few of our favourite plants can be found below. Updates on currently available plants will be here and on our Facebook page in the coming weeks.
Click here for our full list of species. Please send us an email at solidagofarm1@gmail.com or through the contact us page to place an order, purchase an e-gift certificate or if you have any questions. We will confirm our stock availability and get back to you as soon as possible!
Our plants are grown in biodegradable 8x8cm pots for $5 each and 11x11cm pots for $8 each. They are designed to be planted directly in the ground with no need to remove the pot. We are also offering starter plugs of certain species from a 200 cell tray for $1.25 each or from a 72 cell tray for $2.50 each, these plugs well have to be handle carefully and planted or potted up as soon as possible after receiving them.
We accept e-transfer, cash and cards.
Please contact us for information on volume discounts and plug availability.
A Selection of our Favourite Plants

Big Blue Stem

Little Blue Stem

Indian Grass

Switch Grass

Canada Wild Rye

Prairie Cord Grass

Black Eyed Susan

Wild Bergamot

New England Aster

Grey Goldenrod

Woodland Sunflower


Common Milkweed

Swamp Milkweed

Butterfly Milkweed

Blue Vervain

Hoary Vervain

Pearly Everlasting

Spotted Joe-pye Weed

Showy Tick Trefoil

Cylindrical Blazing Star

Spreading Dogbane

Wild Columbine
American Spikenard

Bluestem Goldenrod

Heart-Leaved Aster

Obedient Plant
Bottlebrush Grass

Red Osier Dogwood